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Capitol Update: Agriculture and Livestock & Natural Resources Committees Interim Charges

Trent Ashby

June 6th marked the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings along the Normandy coast during World War II. On this solemn occasion, Americans, Europeans, and free people across the world pay tribute to the brave men who stormed the beaches of Normandy and made the ultimate sacrifice for the survival of liberty at its moment of maximum peril. This pivotal day in history is a testament to the courage, strength, and resiliency of the American spirit that lived within those who fought to liberate Europe from tyranny. Their valor and sacrifice paved the way for the Allied victory in World War II, a triumph that proved once again that the United States of America is and will remain the greatest force for freedom the world has ever known.

As we remember and honor the legacy of those brave soldiers, I hope we’ll reflect upon the immense cost of freedom for which many of these heroes paid the ultimate price and recommit to upholding the values and ideals in our own lives.

With that, here’s this week’s Capitol Update. . .

House Interim Charge: Agriculture and Livestock

The House Committee on Agriculture and Livestock is up next on our examination of Texas House Committees. This Committee has jurisdiction over several key state agencies, including the Department of Agriculture, the Texas Animal Health Commission, the State Soil and Water Conservation Board, and the Texas A&M Forest Service.

Over the interim, the Committee on Agriculture and Livestock will study the notice procedures and written stop-sale orders by the Department of Agriculture to ensure the state’s public safety interests are upheld without infringing upon private property rights. The Committee has also been tasked with monitoring the implementation of HB 1750 and HB 2308, which seek to strengthen protections for farmers and ranchers in Texas. As the author of HB 2308, I’m pleased that the House Committee on Agriculture and Livestock will be monitoring the implementation of the provisions within the bill to ensure our farmers and ranchers are protected from frivolous lawsuits aiming to stop their operations.

House Interim Charge: Natural Resources

The House Committee on Natural Resources has jurisdiction over the conservation and development of water resources across our state. The 11-member committee also regulates all local water-related entities, such as groundwater conservation districts, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), and the Texas Water Development Board.

The House Committee on Natural Resources has been charged with monitoring the implementation of SB 28, which established a constitutionally dedicated fund to finance new water supply projects and fund much-needed improvements to deteriorating water infrastructure in rural areas. I was proud to help pass this critically important bill during the most recent session, and I look forward to working with my colleagues on the House Natural Resources Committee to prioritize funding for aging water infrastructure improvements in communities across Deep East Texas.

The mobile office is on the road again in June, and our District Director looks forward to seeing you on the following dates at the following times: June 12 at the Polk County Commissioner's Courtroom in Livingston from 9-11 a.m. and the Tyler County Commissioner's Courtroom in Woodville from 1:30-3:30 p.m.; and June 19 at the Houston County Courthouse Annex in Crockett from 9-11 a.m. and the Trinity County Courthouse in Groveton from 1:30-3:30 p.m.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact my office if we can help you in any way. My district office may be reached at (936) 634-2762 and my Capitol office may be reached at (512) 463-0508. Additionally, I welcome you to follow along on my Official Facebook Page, where I will be posting regular updates on what's happening in your State Capitol and sharing information that could be useful to you and your family:

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